Order Form


Video: Our Quoting Process


To Learn more about  “how we price” click HERE.**


You are able to BOOK your own PICKUP!

  1. Check your route map
  2. Text us the day & time that works for you at 800-539-9092
  3. Shipping brides will be contacted after their form submission
  4. Fill out the Order Form below


You can see the route maps for our home/work pickups at these links: 





You can always email us at bridal@elegancepreserved.com to request a call from one of our team members at any time.

We will review the following topics:

Our free home pickup routes have become super popular. Get booked today!

Video: How to Book

Video: Route Day - What to Expect

Questions You May Have:

To book your pickup, review our Norcal Route and Socal Route pages for your route and region. You can text us your ROUTE/REGION to 800-539-9092 and we will reply to confirm your route pickup!

If you are just outside the route areas, we may still be able to do a pickup. Txt us for possible meetup locations at 800-539-9092.

We have a shipping service. If you determine you need shipping, once you have filled out the form below, our team will reach out by phone to go thru the details of the shipping program, prior to sending out your shipping kit. Our shipping kit is thru FED-EX exclusively with the Direct Signature option.

How We Price-Page. After a home pickup or shipping, we will review your beautiful dress at our bridal shop. The official quote is emailed approximately 3 days after pickup. There is no commitment and if not approved your dress will be returned to you on the next route. Text us for shipping details if you are out of the area at 800-539-9092.

There is a 50% deposit to commence services with the balance due after completion of services.

Our services are listed in the form below. Many brides have questions regarding preservation. We did create a page with photos that explains the process – here.

**This year we have many delayed and second weddings. If you’re curious if you should preserve either a new dress or a dress that is waiting for a second event, kindly review this PAGE.

We can complete a dress in as little as 3 days if we have a pre-ceremony emergency, for example. However, our standard turnaround time is 4-6 weeks for a “clean only” service and 12 weeks for cleaning and preservation service. We do realize that if someone is intending to resell their gown that we may need a faster completion date. We can work with you based on your needs and we do often finish faster than our original estimated completion dates. Please let us know what you need and we will take care of it for you! We are fast at text response at 800-539-9092.

You can always book your own pickup in Norcal and Socal at these links.

A normal concern, YES! We can repair these items, if required. Simple repairs we often perform at no charge. (I.E. a simple stitch as needed). If you have extensive repairs then we will discuss that with you. The actual repair quote could be delayed by a week, for a review with our tailor.

We often have the discussion, “what is necessary or needed?” If a dress is going to be worn in the future by a lucky relative of friend then there will be a future fitting. That is often the right time and most cost effective time to complete final/final re-crafting repairs. If you’re a resale bride, lets discuss early because this is typically more of a concern. Repairs are something we can only quote after a review from our tailor, which can (at times) delay the repair portion of the quote a week.

DOES IT MATTER IF MY WEDDING WAS A LONG TIME AGO: Our records indicate that approximately 40% of our brides had their wedding between 2-4 years ago. Feel better?  Most of our brides do! The elements that are challenging on fabrics are items such as red wine and grass. These plant based items can “dye” fabrics. We want to take care of them right away. However, the final outcome is also dependent on fabric type. Silk is much more challenging than polyester for example. Standard items such as dirt/mud on the hem are not typically time based. The final outcome is not dependent on a “dye” factor.

RED WINE: If you have a red wine emergency, we recommend having your dress cleaned immediately. You have as little as 3 days with a high-end fabric before staining becomes permanent. If you’re outside of our region, we will typically try to help you identify a local provider that can begin work within hours.  Do not try to remove red wine on your own if you have a high-end fabric such as silk or satin. Please bring it into a professional high-end wedding dress cleaner immediately. We have a dedicated program called, Red Wine Rescue for Bay Area and Socal brides.

PRESERVING OTHER ITEMS: You can preserve any other items such as veils and garters with your dress. They can be included with your dress at pickup or during shipping. If they do not need to be cleaned, there is no additional cost to “only preserve” them with a dress preservation order.